More and more mental health clinicians are offering online counseling as an option. Online counseling is also known as Telehealth. COR can offer Online Counseling/Telehealth in the greater Lansing area or anywhere across Michigan.
Benefits of Online Counseling/Telehealth:
- Flexible schedule: With Telehealth we can have secure, real-time two-way communication anytime and anywhere. We can conduct sessions during times that best fit my schedule and your schedule.
- Convenience: You do not have to travel to COR’s office. If transportation is a barrier or the office is too far away, we can hold the counseling session via Telehealth (and from the comfort of your home or anywhere that you may be).
Equipment/Technology needed for Online Counseling/Telehealth
- Computer, phone or tablet with speaker, microphone, and camera
- High Speed Internet
- A HIPPA compliant, secure video platform (COR will provide this platform and show you how to use the platform)
Important things to consider during Online Counseling/Telehealth
- Privacy: Select a space for your online therapy sessions that is private and free of distractions.
- Noise Level: Pick a quiet place before your Online Counseling/Telehealth sessions starts. Consider that the following noises may be a distraction: doorbells, noises from outside, TVs, radios, and other conversations.
- Lighting: Try to be in a well-lit area so that you your COR counselor can see you during the session
Contact COR today to see if Online Counseling/Telehealth is right for you
Contact COR Today
517-230-5695 | Fax: 855-978-1293 |