LGBT+ affirming therapy/counseling in Lansing, MI
LGBT+ affirming therapy/counseling online across Michigan
COR offers counseling/therapy to the LGBT+ population.
A counselor or therapist that treats LGBT+ people needs to be more than just “gay friendly”. Being “LGBT+ informed” is ever changing and your counselor/therapist should be engaged in continuing training/education to best meet your needs.
LGBT+ affirming therapy is based on the idea that being a part of the LGBT+ community is not in itself pathological or wrong. What is wrong, is the discrimination that LGBT+ people face, just by choosing to be who they are. This discrimination can happen in very bold or very subtle ways and it can happen in many different aspects of society. The impact that this discrimination has on LGBT+ people can lead to the development of symptomatic conditions.
LGBT+ people are at higher risk of being abused and neglected as children and adolescents. The prevalence of sexual assault is higher among the LGBT+ population. There is often trauma associated with growing up LGBT+, coming out, deciding not to come out and just being your true and authentic self.
COR is proud to offer a safe space and open environment to talk about who you are and who you may want to be. COR is also proud to offer counseling/therapy to LGBT+ individuals, couples, families and groups.
Contact COR Today
517-230-5695 | Fax: 855-978-1293 |